Advent 2022

Advent 2022 | From Darkness to Glorious Light

Advent 2022: From Darkness to Glorious Light | A Study of Isaiah 59-60

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term advent as the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. Of course, as it pertains to Christianity, the term advent is associated with the arrival of the Christ—both his historic birth and his anticipated return. It is these two advents which bookend the current moment of redemptive history and serve as the very foundation of theChristian faith.

When we speak of the advent of Christ, we are, in essence, speaking of divine intervention. We are speaking of God interrupting humanity’s sin with His redemptive purposes. We are speaking of the deepest darkness being overwhelmed by the glorious light of Christ.

Long before the birth of Christ, and with both advents in view, Isaiah 59 & 60 paint a compelling picture of God taking decisive action in order to rescue people from the domain of darkness and bring them into the eternal Kingdom of His beloved Son. These two chapters begin with incredible darkness. They end with glorious light. And in the middle? A central figure, clothed in righteousness, salvation, vengeance, and Zeal. A Redeemer who will stand as covenant mediator between God and His people forever. He is none other than Jesus the Christ.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.” — Isaiah 60:1

Week 1: Darkness: Evil and Oppression (59:1-13)

The infectious nature of sin is on full display as Israel is found to be as guilty as their oppressors. The universal implication is that mankind’s iniquity has separated him from God. With no intervention, there is no prospect for peace with our Creator, as our sins testify against us and we are helpless to save ourselves.

Week 2: Decisive Intervention: Judgment and Redemption (59:14-21)

Displeased with the situation, and knowing that no man can effectively intercede for himself, God decisively initiates redemptive action. A central figure emerges, girded for battle with righteousness, salvation, vengeance, and zeal. He will bring wrath to his adversaries, but to the repentant, he will bring redemption. Furthermore, he will stand as Covenant Mediator between God and His redeemed people for all eternity.

Week 3: Glorious Light: Zion’s future glory (60:1-22)

Isaiah 60:1-22 can have none other than Christ’s second advent in view as it depicts “God’s rule, fully realized…as perfect and permanent as God himself.” * A glorious picture of God’s triumphant kingdom, and the consummation of all of God’s redemptive purposes since Genesis chapter 3. From darkness to glorious light.

* Barry G. Webb, “The Message of Isaiah” 233