Matthew 12:38-45
Matthew 12:22-37
Matthew 12:15-21
Matthew 12:9-14
Matthew 12:1-8
Matthew 11:25-30
Matthew 11:16-24
Matthew 11:1-15
Summer in the Psalms
The Book of Psalms, or the Psalter, is a collection of poems written by more than half a dozen men spanning the time of Moses to the time of Ezra & Nehemiah (almost 1,000 years) expressing the full range of human emotions-joy, desperation, thanksgiving, fear, trust, anger, and awe. This “anatomy of all parts of the soul” as it has been called has been used by the church for millenia to express its worship. May we, with the Church of all ages, see the Great King celebrated in these songs of praise and with greater clarity and eagerness meditate on His greatness, pray for His strength, sing to His name.
Types of Songs: The Psalms contain many different types of literature. For our purposes we will classify them in 5 categories, though these could certainly be broken down further.
Hymn: Songs of praise to God for some aspect of His nature or simply celebrating some manifestation of His faithfulness in the Psalmist’s life.
Lament: These songs start out as complaint for current distressing circumstances, transition into petition for God to act, and most often end with a declaration of trust in God’s salvation. There are 50+ laments in the Psalms.
Imprecatory: These unsettling prayers call upon God to judge, curse, and, sometimes, destroy God’s enemies.
Kingship/Royal: These are Psalms which celebrate or declare the reign of God as King. Some celebrate the Davidic King as representative of God’s reign on earth.
Wisdom: These Psalms echo the Proverbs in many ways. They are songs specifically focused on teaching God’s people a manner of life pleasing to the LORD.
The Book of Psalms:
Title: Our English title Psalms comes from a Greek word which is a translation of a Hebrew word mizmor. This term signifies plucking, as in, the action that would happen in playing a stringed instrument. The title in most Hebrews manuscripts, however, is Tehillim which means Songs of Praise. This word has the same root as the word Hallelujah.
Authors: There are at least 7 authors through whom God worked to write the Psalms: David (73), Korah (12), Asaph (12), Heman, Ethan, Moses, and Solomon. Many Psalms are anonymous.
Date: From the time of Moses to the time of Ezra Nehemiah. About 1400BC. - 450BC.
Structure: The Psalms were collected and organized into 5 Books. The conclusion of the first 4 books is signaled by a benediction (41.13; 72.19; 89.52; 106.48)
Book 1: Chapters 1-41
Book 2: Chapters 42-72
Book 3: Chapters 73-89
Book 4: Chapters 90-106
Book 5: Chapters 107-150